And for breakfast? Yummy, at the FR&W brunch installation of club leaders on a sunny Saturday morning, January 28, 2017, after the club’s regular runs and walks in Balboa Park and adjacent ‘hoods, at the East Clairemont Mesa home of Terry Trevino and Wayne Johnson.
Oatmeal, aka Oat Porridge, is high in nutritional benefits, ice cream in fats; together they pack a get-up-and-go breakfast. In the U.S. the combo’s beginnings can be found in cold and gray places like Rochester, New York, lots of snow and ice, and Seattle, Washington, lots of gray and rain. Elsewhere: Canada and Scotland.
The Chefs Crew presented the featured entree with a buffet of fruit, bagels, granola, quiche, taquitos and drinks as the crowd of 40-some moved in.
During a mix-and-mingle, the club’s newest members, Glenn and Khalid, who joined just weeks ago, said they are thrilled “to have found” FR&W, and their first club social event. Glenn hails from Pittsburgh via the University of Arizona, Tucson pharmacology faculty. He walks about five miles a day. Khalid, a runner, covers about the same distance thrice weekly. A native of Rabat, Morocco, Khalid came to the U.S. 17 years ago.
News garnered while circling the house and garden—
Andrew Suozzo is looking to complete the three races known as the Triple Crown— Carlsbad, La Jolla, and AFC Half Marathons. He brings experience, having placed 1st in his age group in Carlsbad, second in the AFC in 2016. In 1999, Andrew clocked a 2:58 Finish at the Chicago Marathon.
Bubba, a household member, is a 20-year-old parrot with a vocabulary including Bang!-Bang!, dog barks, cat meows and greetings —all in an attention-grabbing high-tone ‘voice’ while sometimes doing 360 degree flips.
Margo Alora will soon be adding a China visit to her world destinations agenda.
Tom Wartelle, between now and autumn expects to enjoy the sights of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Peru. Coming up next: Australia.
Barbara Morton and Mary Severine shared updates with those ‘working the room.’
A brief Inaugural Program presented the 2017 Chair and Vice-chair, Andy Kleinke and David Hallen, and the board of directors. Andy remarked that he would like other members of the club step up to leadership roles and contribute in the year ahead.