Going to Gay Games 10 in Paris next August? Keep an eye out for Victor Strotz! He’s registered for the Half Marathon on Saturday, Aug 11, organized by Front Runners Paris, over a course in the beautiful Bois de Boulogne.
A Paris resident, Victor, originally from Luxembourg, moved to Paris for medical studies. A member of Paris Front Runners, Victor runs with that club twice weekly. He’s completed half marathons in Paris and Montreal, Canada, and plans to run the Chicago Marathon in ‘18.
Here for a medical convention, Victor ran with the club, Saturday, Nov 4th —the Aero-Space Museum course—and hung for breakfast along with lots of members at the popular Big City Bagels outdoor spot. Thanks to Facebook, he found FR&WSD for his second San Diego visit and likes the club’s camaraderie. He liked it so much, he came every opportunity in the same week – that’s 4 times!